
What Animal Did The Hiv Virus Come From

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Who was the commencement person infected with HIV and how were they infected?

Chris Williams, Birmingham UK

  • We will surely never know who or how, simply we can speculate. There was a great bargain of conjecture in the tardily 1980'due south about Patient Zippo, identified equally Gaetan Dugas - a Canadian flight bellboy who purportedly knowingly infected equally many equally 250 men a yr on both sides of the Atlantic - said to accept singlehandedly started the epidemic, just near of this is now largely discredited. Anyhow, no ane ever believed he was the get-go to be infected. Estimator models accept estimated that the first human infection occurred about 1930, give or have 20 years. The earliest known infection of an identified human existence dates back to 1959, found in a plasma sample taken from an developed male person living in the Belgian Congo (later Zaire and now the Democratic republic of the congo). As to how, most of the loose talk on the street seems to presume sex between a human and a chimp, as the HIV-1 virus is most identical to a simian virus found in chimpanzees. A man eating a chimp seems simply as likely, and some show suggests that it may have occurred iatrogenically when chimps were used in developing a polio vaccine for humans. For more than, see Annabel Kanabus and Sarah Allen'south written report at

    Professor William Dunlap, Quinnipiac Univ., Hamden, Connecticut USA

  • Information technology's unlikely we'll ever know. It was recently adamant that a sailor who died of an "unknown affliction" in 1959 probably died of AIDS. How many there were before him, who they were and how they were infected is probable to remain a mystery.

    Simon Blake, Shrewsbury England

  • While HIV was killing people in Africa long before it ever afflicted the rest of the globe the first case to make headlines was that of a 10 (?) year old boy named Ryan White. He contracted the affliction by a blood transfusion. Post-obit, research facilites cranked out information that now HIV could exist transmitted from mother to baby, blood transfusions, & swapping of any bodily fluids including saliva. And, that it would strike anyone of whatsoever race, religion, credo and sexuality.

    Kelly Yates, Denton,TX USA

  • HIV stems from Simian Immunedefficiency Virus (SIV) which is known to be nowadays in Key and Southern African chimpanzees. The chimpanzees caught it in turn from monkeys which sometimes form role of chimpanzee diet. At some point - thought to exist at least before 1930 - humans ate some chimpanzees infected with the SIV virus which mutated into HIV. Information technology might exist difficult to say who was really the outset to catch it; in fact in that location may have been several simultaneous infections. The bush meat trade in Africa is very prevalent.

    Terence Hollingworth, Blagnac France

  • This is total urban myth answer with no scientific back-up, but I heard that HIV was a virus that passed from the creature kingdom to humans through somebody having sexual practice with . . .either a pig or a monkey, I forget which.

    Mary, Glasgow Scotland

  • HIV is believed to have been passed into humans erstwhile in the 50s or 60s in Africa. Enquiry into Hepatitis was being conducted on liver tissue from primates which was contaminated with the then unknown Simian Immunodeficiency Virus and transplanted into a human patient.

    CA , by the sea

  • Patient zero was an Air Canada flight attendent. he contracted hiv while in Africa in the late 70'southward. According to sources he was the outset person to transmit the virus intercontentally.

    Daniel, Toronto Canada

  • The sailor who died in Manchester in 1959 is not now thought to have had HIV: the first recorded instance is believed to exist that of a Norwegian sailor who contracted the disease in the early on 1960s, passed it on to his wife and daughter (the latter was born with information technology in 1967), and died in 1976. At that place is an article past E Hooper, in the BMJ (315) 1997, which has information on both cases.

    Jude, Aberdeen Britain

  • "The River", by Edward Hooper, speculates that HIV was transmitted to humans from polio vaccinations carried out in Zaire. If I rember correctly, the vaccins were grown in dishes of chimp or monkey livers; these could accept been infected.
    I think the testify for this thesis was inconclusive.

    Steve, Nyon, Switzerland

  • I was told that HIV was contracted first by someone in the Bible. God forgave Abel for what he did but left him with the affliction to indicate what happens when you lot're unfaithful to your spouse.

    Mi-Mi Tremble-Newton, Savannah,Ga The statesA

  • Sir, give thanks you. Sir, I think, first aids is observe in south africa. It comes man_chimpanzee. Who is this man? Please give the name for this human. Please give the respond sir .

    mathu, coimbatore Republic of india

  • Humans had sex with chimpanzees in South Africa in 1959 which spread aids around the world.

    Barun Rajput, Richhapura Jaitpur Kalan Bharat

  • AIDS is a man made disease that was developed in the bio-chemic lab on Plum Island near New York. Information technology was kickoff developed in 1965 past German Nazi scientists that were brought beyond after WW II. The Candida Maltosa leaner was infected into a prison cell and this showtime version of AIDS was consciously injected into a human being. The 'final' version of AIDS was developed on Plum Island in 1979 based upon the Candida Dubliniensis fungal leaner and once once more consciously injected into a unknowing homo from Canada over 1979 and 1980. This is where the real AIDS epidemic started.

    Syl, Spain

  • AIDS is a man made disease that was developed in the bio-chemical lab on Plum Isle near New York. It was first developed in 1965 by German Nazi scientists that were brought across after WW Two. The Candida Maltosa bacteria was infected into a cell and this first version of AIDS was consciously injected into a human being being. The 'final' version of AIDS was adult on Plum Isle in 1979 based upon the Candida Dubliniensis fungal bacteria and once over again consciously injected into a unknowing human existence from Canada over 1979 and 1980. This is where the existent AIDS epidemic started.

    Adino, Benue Makurdi

  • HIV is believed to take been passed into humans former in the 50s or 60s in Africa. Research into Hepatitis was being conducted on liver tissue from primates which was contaminated with unknown Simian Immunodeficiency Virus and transplanted into a homo patient

    tMAN, Lagos Nigeria

  • After a thorough research from different sources, HIV/AIDS even so remains a mystery as to who beginning got infected, how and when. But information technology is seemed as it being virus contracted from Simian Immunedeficiency Virus (SIV) which is of chimps. And so, who was the first to have had it translated course that into Human Immunedefficiency Virus, which is believed that the bush meat trade in Africa must have had a chimps infected with SIV slaughtered for human consumption. Moreover, Patient Zero, a Canadian Air Flight Attendant contracted HIV in the late 70'due south whiles in Africa. Others also assume that it would have been a sexual intercourse between a human and a chimp. HIV is still a mystery withal unknown since the right source of origin is unknown.

    Bryte E. Gilberts, Accra Ghana

  • The first known example in North American was a 16 year old named Robert Rayford. He presented with fever, all manner of warts and sores, swollen testicles, and a depleted immune system. The year was 1968, and doctors were baffled. Rayford died only a twelvemonth later presenting to doctors. Tests were performed on a stored tissue sample in 1987, and showed antibodies for all ix strains of HIV known at that fourth dimension. It was suspected that he was a male prostitute.

    Sheldon, San Ramon Us

  • Before 1980s people of RSA were merely seeing HIV on TV. The virus was not in RSA past that time.

    Stanley Matjila, Soshanguve Southward Africa

  • Steve Eddeson. Monkeys had sex with rats in the sewers. Was there a instance of aids in Manchester in the 1950s?

    Jason Johnson, Blackpool, UK

  • The black expiry was the first of the HIV virus that killed many people. Through the rats' genetics to wild rats and domesticated rats, even the lab rats that they examination on for human being resources, can all have a way of conveying the virus and passed through to the public infecting them with the HIVAids virus resulting in the Aids epidemic. Inside Expanse 51 in that location are things nosotros don't - and never will - know of. There are other surreptitious locations. They could brand all sorted of illnesses and diseases which we can pick upward from the most everyday things and however we are led to believe HIV/Aids has been introduced and spread between humans. Chemical warfare is made and used to destroy the human being race without the noticeable destruction of conventional warfare.

    Tina Beddows, Blackpool, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

  • That racist who says information technology started in South Africa is an idiot.

    Senzi Kumalo, Gauteng, Southward Africa

  • Guys why can't we develop a better chemic that tin remover that rubbish diseases.

    Ramafalo Phillip Mashatole, Giyane, Due south Africa

  • The HIV virus is spread past blood, semen, and other types of body fluids. Beast and human being cd4 cells are incompatible with each other, the insane statements are simply that insane. It is non a gay or direct disease. It is a claret disease, plainly and simple

    James Taylor , phoenix usa

  • The primeval documented case in the world comes from 1959 in Congo. The earliest documented case in Europe was in a Norwegian family as the father was a crewman who got infected in Africa in the early 60s and then infected his wife,who infected their girl under nativity. They all died in the early 70s. The start documented cases in U.s.a. is more difficult since the Robert Rayford case in the 60s even so is an enigma,only some of the earliest cases happend in New York when a teacher named Rick Wellikoff got ill in 1979.

    Lars Eriksen, Oslo, Norway

  • According to the CDC the highest take chances sexual action (receptive anal) poses a l in every 10,000 take a chance of transmission. That's 0.v %. I'k sorry but i don't get the bushmeat theory. I thought HIV died within seconds of it being exposed to air. Did some hunter impale a chimpanzee and within seconds bite into information technology for a quick raw dejeuner and somehow he had a cut in his mouth and got orally infected with SIV? What a load of b****ks. Furthermore (and bearing in heed how difficult it is to transmit) it had to evolve from SIV to HIV in one or two generations into other towns and then beyond borders. Plus why was the first outbreak just in 3 american cities roughly at the same time and non all over the earth? HIV or whatever information technology is is a human made production of monkey kidney smoothies that idiot virus hunters played effectually with in their labs and injected into the gay population in 1979 under the label of a hepatitis b vaccine who unsurprisingly all started dropping like flies within 12 months.

    Ben, Liverpool, United kingdom

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