7953 Northwest 161st Terrace Miami Gardens Fl
Beds | Baths | # of Units | Average SF |
5 Beds 5 Beds 5 Br | 4 Baths 4 Baths 4 Ba | 1 | 2,889 SF |
* Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
* Square footage definitions vary. Displayed square footage is approximate.
About 7953 NW 161st Terrace Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Welcome to your new address in Miami Lakes, FL. This well-maintained single-family home is located in Miami Lakes, FL at 7953 NW 161st Terrace, where you'll have access to great attractions. Get started on your move to a new home. Reach out to see everything this home offers.
7953 NW 161st Terrace is a house located in Miami/Dade County, the 33016 ZIP Code, and the Miami-Dade attendance zone.
House Features
- Washer/Dryer - In Unit
- Gated
Lease Details & Fees
Pet Policies (No Pets Allowed)
This Property
Available Property
City - Miami Lakes
Situated about 17 miles northwest of Downtown Miami, Miami Lakes is a tranquil suburb regarded for its pervasive natural beauty and hometown culture. Numerous lakes, winding roadways, and tree canopies comprise Miami Lakes. More than 100 park areas sit within walking distance of every neighborhood in Miami Lakes, affording residents abundant opportunities to enjoy outdoor recreation year round.
The Miami Lakes community comes together for a wide variety of special events throughout the year, including Halloween Nightmare on Montrose, Movies at the Park series, Veterans Day Parade, Spring Fling, Fourth of July Concert and Fireworks Show, and much more. The Main Street Shopping Center forms the town's core, providing a bevy of vibrant shops and restaurants to gather at in addition to one of the oldest-running community theaters in South Florida.
Miami Lakes was designed to accommodate growth, managing to maintain a small-town environment as it continues to grow beautifully.
Learn More About Miami Lakes
- Washer/Dryer - In Unit
- Gated
Colleges & Universities
7953 NW 161st Terrace is within 10 minutes or 4.4 miles from Florida National College. It is also near Miami Dade College and Florida Memorial University.
School data provided by GreatSchools The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Grades PK-8
1,117 Students
Grades PK-8
1,623 Students
Grades 8-12
2,159 Students
Grades 6-8
1,313 Students
7953 NW 161st Terrace is near Miami International, located 11.0 miles or 22 minutes away, and Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International, located 21.2 miles or 34 minutes away.
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Miami International | 22 min | 11.0 mi |
Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International | 34 min | 21.2 mi |
Walkability Near 7953 NW 161st Terrace Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Scores provided by
Points of Interest
Time and distance from 7953 NW 161st Terrace.
Shopping Centers | Drive | Distance |
Shopping Centers | Drive | Distance |
Royal Oaks Plaza | 3 min | 0.4 mi |
Park Centre Shops | 4 min | 0.8 mi |
Cypress Village Shopping Center | 5 min | 1.3 mi |
7953 NW 161st Terrace has 3 shopping centers within 1.3 miles, which is about a 5-minute drive. The miles and minutes will be for the farthest away property.
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Miramar Pineland | 20 min | 11.4 mi |
Enchanted Forest Elaine Gordon Park | 24 min | 13.3 mi |
Arch Creek Park & Nature Center | 24 min | 13.4 mi |
Flamingo Gardens | 24 min | 14.9 mi |
7953 NW 161st Terrace has 4 parks within 14.9 miles, including Miramar Pineland, Enchanted Forest Elaine Gordon Park, and Arch Creek Park & Nature Center.
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7953 Northwest 161st Terrace Miami Gardens Fl
Source: https://www.apartments.com/7953-nw-161st-terrace-miami-lakes-fl/tkdz69c/
Posted by: binfordalthatede.blogspot.com
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